Supplemental Videos for "Perivascular fibroblasts form the fibrotic scar after contusive spinal cord injury."

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Movie 1: Perivascular fibroblasts and blood vessels in uninjured spinal cord. Consecutive serial optical sections obtained from uninjured mid-thoracic spinal cord of Col1a1-GFP transgenic mouse perfused with Lectin-Dylight 594. Perivascular fibroblasts are in green and vasculature is in red.

Fibroblasts-Vessels injured

Movie 2: 3D reconstruction of perivascular fibroblasts in the uninjured spinal cord. This is a 3D reconstruction of the image stack shown in Movie 1 above. Fibroblasts are in green and blood vessels are in red.


Movie 3. Perivascular fibroblasts and blood vessels in the injured spinal cord. Consecutive serial optical sections obtained from the spinal cord injury site at 2 weeks after injury. This serial view shows fibroblasts detaching from blood vessels and accumulating at the injury site.


Movie 4. 3D reconstruction of perivascular fibroblasts in the injured spinal cord. This is a 3D reconstruction of the image stack shown in Movie 3 above. Fibroblasts are in green and blood vessels are in red.